WP T3 Technical tools for visualisation of contaminated sites
Improving and developing new technical tools for visualisation of contaminated sites has increased the knowledge and created better tools for prioritisation and information. Database development Data base for contaiminated sites in Latvia Guidance material for efficient handling of data Databases are used in all participating countries to handle and register contaminated sites. To improve the […]
WP T2 Strategic management methods for contaminated sites
A more efficient handling of contaminated sites needs be achieved in the management process to increase the remediation rate of contaminated sites, INSURE has supported that work. Strategies and management methods in complex areas In some areas where the contaminated areas are complex because of, for example, the size, diversity of contaminants, property owners and […]
WP T1 Sustainable remediation of contaminated sites
During INSURE pilot areas in Sweden, Finland and Latvia have been investigated and tested for the function of sustainable remediation alternatives. In this part of the project we have also done remedial alternative selections processes, risk valuation and cost effective analysis. Pilot areas As the map to the right shows the pilot areas are located […]