
Site Karjaa was one of University of Helsinkis (UHEL) pilot areas in Finland. Karjaa was included late in the project. The main contaminant is oil.

​At Karjaa there has been a remediation of an oil contaminated area beneath a building earlier. Then they used the method bioflushing. But samples taken under the floor of the building indicated that there were still high levels of water-insoluble components. Within the pilot test UHEL have used cyclodextrin to try to enhance the treatment.

The effect of cyclodextrin for the removal of oil hydrocarbons has earlier been tested in laboratory scale with soil samples taken from the area. The results shows that the treatment affects the hydrocarbon concentrations in the water. The removal efficiency was high, especially with some of the aromatic compounds. The results suggest that the additive with cyclodextrin could be used either for more effective biological treatment or for soil flushing.